The founder and CEO of Permaculture Adventures, Graham Towerton. Graham hails from Australia and also enjoys US citizenship after moving to the US in 2001. Graham is a retired chemical engineer after a 34 year career spanning oil refining, petrochemicals, biofuels, mining, oil and gas production, chemicals sales and chemicals packaging industries.

With an “early retirement” comes the opportunity to enjoy another 34 year career in permaculture. Graham first learned about permaculture in Australia in the early 1980’s while in high school and working on his parents’ farm in sub-tropical Queensland. He has always applied permaculture principles on his own properties, whether small or large, in Australia and the US. Graham obtained his Permaculture Design Certificate from Geoff Lawton’s Permaculture Research Institute of Australia in 2021. He has since provided two years of design, consultation and installation services as a contractor for Food Forest Abundance with over 60 designs completed in 4 countries and over 300 consultations spanning 16 countries.

Graham also serves a small clientele of customers for installation and garden maintenance services in Michigan.

Jenn MacAusland of Serendipity Permaculture from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 

From Jenn’s website:
“As far back as I can remember, I felt connected to the earth. I wanted to be outside, climbing, swimming in the ocean, lying on the soil, foraging, and harvesting. It gave me a sense of belonging, and clarity and grounded me when I was unsteady. The path to my current trajectory has not always been clear, but I was sure of one thing….follow my heart and set my intentions. It led me down a road of personal healing, inspirational humans, and life-changing experiences. 

After pursuing and starting my own business in Wellness, I felt a calling to complete my Permaculture Design Certification. I completed my first certification in 2021 with The Permaculture Research Institute with Geoff Lawton (Certificate #420171548) and again in 2022 with Verge Permaculture.”

Jenn and Graham have collaborated on several homestead designs and webinars. Jenn’s extensive herbal, medicinal and wellness knowledge and overall cold climate design skills provide a wealth of additional capabilities to the Permaculture Adventures design team.

Cynthia Acebo, from Fort Worth, Texas of Cynthia Acebo Forest Garden Design.

From Cynthia’s website:
Music was my first love.  I currently sing in a semi-professional choir in Fort Worth and have been a full time sound engineer for the past 8 years.   You can read about my experience being a woman in the Live Sound Engineering industry here but I’m closing this chapter and turning my attention inward and outward.

I live in a typical urban neighborhood under a canopy of oak, pecan and pine trees.  It feels like I’m living in a forest and it makes the sometimes brutal North Texas summers so much easier.  Like so many others, I fell into permaculture from learning about climate change and systemic problems especially around pollution and food production.  I’m increasingly fascinated with what it means to be living naturally vs unnaturally.  Permaculture is how I stay grounded in what is important.  It gives me hope for the future of humanity and it’s literally the antidote to all the worries and stress we have put on ourselves and the planet.  Not to mention the deeper I dive into the world of regenerative land stewardship, the more I learn how many people out there are doing great work.  It’s a very inspiring field to get into and I love talking about it!

Living in harmony with nature feels like home.  Permaculture has renewed a wonder of the natural world around me and makes me feel like I belong here on this planet.  That my existence is not a burden but a blessing.”

Cynthia’s existence is indeed a blessing to her design colleagues and customers. Cynthia and Graham have collaborated on a number of designs spanning locations as far afield as Hawaii, Texas, Florida and Wisconsin; from small to large. Cynthia has a great eye for design detail and incorporates beauty and abundance in all of her designs.

Evan Folds is a living soil agronomist, ecological entrepreneur, and regenerative business strategist. Through his consulting company Be Agriculture, he works with clients towards living systems that integrate the landscapes of food, farming, and health to create dynamic solutions and solve the big challenges that we face.   

Evan is a father, elected official, spiritual scientist, published writer, and active in teaching and learning from people all over the world, so the Earth may be healed.

Evan is the soil fertility specialist for Permaculture Adventures and our customers. Evan and Graham have already worked together on a half-dozen soil consultations for permaculture design work. Evan’s expertise on soil, the soil food web and natural amendment practices is clearly demonstrated in each consultation he conducts. For Permaculture Adventures customers, he will be available to provide soil analysis, soil fertility reporting and ongoing consultations to monitor and manage soil fertility for the long term.